When I see myself on film it makes me smile

I’ve got an overactive brain. I enjoy work, I enjoy life, and I’m not good at relaxing. I’ve also never slept very much due to this overactive imagination and my brain constantly thinking.  When I see myself on film it makes me smile, I mean making a good living doing what I enjoy is soo much fun. I just hope that everyone has the chance to enjoy life like I do.“Good sex is like good bridge. If you don’t have a good partner, you’d better have a good hand.” “We are all born sexual creatures,thank God, but it’s a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift.”

  “In a perfect world, you could fuck people without giving them a piece of your heart. And every glittering kiss and every touch of flesh is another shard of heart you’ll never see again.” “Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time, even when they’re not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours, even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next, or–such is the pleasure they experience–they may never finish it. No eleven minutes for them.”“Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together; sophistication demands that they submit to sex immediately without proper preliminary talk. Not courting talk — real straight talk about souls, for life is holy and every moment is precious.”

“Anyone who is observant, who discovers the person they have always dreamed of, knows that sexual energy comes into play before sex even takes place. The greatest pleasure isn’t sex, but the passion with which it is practiced. When the passion is intense, then sex joins in to complete the dance, but it is never the principal aim.” “Someone told me the delightful story of the crusader who put a chastity belt on his wife and gave the key to his best friend for safekeeping, in case of his death. He had ridden only a few miles away when his friend, riding hard, caught up with him, saying ‘You gave me the wrong key!”




Process of trying to find the satisfaction

While you’re going through this process of trying to find the satisfaction in your work, pretend you feel satisfied. Tell yourself you had a good day. Walk through the corridors with a smile rather than a scowl. Your positive energy will radiate. If you act like you’re having fun, you’ll find you are having fun. It’s hard to give tips to skiers if I don’t know how they ski, but I think the most important thing in skiing is you have to be having fun. If you’re having fun, then everything else will come easy to you.


I think it doesn’t matter if you are the best surfer in the world. I’m going to try to be the best surfer I can be. It’s not all about competing and being the best. It’s more about having fun and just doing what you love. If I wake up one day and people tell me I’m not sexy, I’m not going to stop making good music and having fun. That ‘sex symbol’ thing is typically part of being in the limelight. You better be very talented in your music, but it’s good to be nice to look at, I guess.

With ‘Dope Walk,’ I wanted to bring back kids dancing and having fun again. That’s how it used to be in Harlem. I remember everybody Harlem-shaking and ‘Chicken Noodle Soup’-ing. Those were some of the most fun and memorable times in my life.



Financial Domination

“My financial domination website  is dedicated all to ME and my love of raping the wallets of weak willed men. I adore being pampered, worshiped, and served by financial slaves. It’s a lifestyle that very few can ever have the pleasure of experiencing and I do not take it for granted. I relish in it. My passion is palatable and infectious. I make you love being a wallet for me. If you’re offended by kneeling for a beautiful curvy Goddess and extending your wallet out in a gesture of submissive adoration you should leave now.. but if on the other hand that thought alone delights you then you need to experience the REAL thing!”

“I request your presence at the downfall of man, where woman heralded by her beauty and grace seizes your mortal soul and conquers your wallet! I am your Goddess & you shall bow to my Holy desires. “

You can become one of my VIP (VERY INDOCTRINATED PUPPET) boys and drown in the world of financial domination to Goddess Posh. Being VIP is a status symbol for those who worship me. If you worship me like a TRUE POSH PUPPET you would never hesitate about becoming VIP. That’s because you want as much of me as you can get, being the addict that you are. VIPs are granted access to all of the private blog posts in my website which includes photos, videos, mp3s and financial domination stories.


Tribute Me

“Watching the Commons tribute to Margaret Thatcher was like being suffocated inside a gigantic sticky toffee pudding, but one with nasty bogeys planted inside. There was much of the ‘Margaret Thatcher who was lucky enough to know me,’ especially from her own side of the House. “

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“It’s funny; it’s a real balancing act. In TV, everybody’s talking about authenticity. In order to make ‘Dirty Jobs’ authentic, I really can’t be overly informed. The minute I am, I become a host… It’s a very tricky business paying a tribute to work, because TV is very bad at it.”

“It’s not just Bin Laden or just those that are involved in the counterterrorism effort. We’ve gotta cast the net broader than that. But I think it’s a – very special tribute that we all owe to the bravery and courage of the men and women in the intelligence and military business who performed so well to finally get it done.”


Dreamy Goddess

“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.”

Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard, a desire for excellence, and a belief in our right and our responsiblity to be equal members of society.“

“I’ve always said that one night, I’m going to find myself in some field somewhere, I’m standing on grass, and it’s raining, and I’m with the person I love, and I know I’m at the very point I’ve been dreaming of getting to.”

I never expected anyone to take care of me, but in my wildest dreams and juvenile yearnings, I wanted the house with the picket fence from June Allyson movies. I knew that was yearning like one yearns to fly.

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death. “


Absolutely anything in the world is possible

“Never say that you can’t do something, or that something seems impossible, or that something can’t be done, no matter how discouraging or harrowing it may be; human beings are limited only by what we allow ourselves to be limited by: our own minds. We are each the masters of our own reality; when we become self-aware to this: absolutely anything in the world is possible.”

Master yourself, and become king of the world around you. Let no odds, chastisement, exile, doubt, fear, or ANY mental virii prevent you from accomplishing your dreams. Never be a victim of life; be it’s conqueror.”

 “Solitude is the soil in which genius is planted, creativity grows, and legends bloom; faith in oneself is the rain that cultivates a hero to endure the storm, and bare the genesis of a new world, a new forest.”


Lady-christine Dreamer

I take inspiration from everyone and everything. I’m inspired by current champions, former champions, true competitors, people dedicated to their dream, hard workers, dreamers, believers, achievers.

“I am quite a dreamer. I think we all are dreamers. We all don’t like to live a practical life all the time. There is a thin line between our hopes and dreams. “

I want to tell women that you need to love yourself and make yourself a priority. It’s only when you are happy yourself, can you make everyone else around you happy. I am still a dreamer and still believe in fairy tales, but there is only that much one should give another person. You need to keep something for yourself.

 “Essentially, I am a dreamer. I’ve dreamed all my life. When I started, I dreamed I’d be Champion because it is a sport that is all about the people who win the most, and I have a fear of not winning. “


The angel destroyed me!

“The angel destroyed me! He seduced me with a pure voice, spoke kind words, and stroked my hair to lower my guard, to make me trust him, to trick me! He sullied my body, my voice, my heart; remade me as a terrifying monster; turned me into his companion! The angel was a disfigured phantom wearing a mask!”

1 (5)1 (4)1 (3)

Mastering the art of seduction gives one a great power, and like any power, it’s to be wielded with responsibility; a man who wields the art of seduction without a sense of responsibility and restraint is a walking proximity bomb of viral epidemics, needless procreation, heartbroken families, and shattered dreams.”“In a perfect world, you could fuck people without giving them a piece of your heart. And every glittering kiss and every touch of flesh is another shard of heart you’ll never see again.”

1 (2)1 (1)

“Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time, even when they’re not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours, even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next, or–such is the pleasure they experience–they may never finish it. No eleven minutes for them.”


“He offered me sugar and wanted to know all my secrets,” I say in my best seductive voice.”

“I turn and put my lips close to Peeta’s and drop my eyelids in imitation… “He offered me sugar and wanted to know all my secrets,” I say in my best seductive voice.”“I coveted you. I had no right to want you–but I reached out and took you anyway. And now look what’s become of you! Trying to seduce a vampire.”

“The next time you try to seduce anyone, don’t do it with talk, with words. Women know more about words than men ever will. And they know how little they can ever possibly mean.”“Her lips touched his brain as they touched his lips, as though they were a vehicle of some vague speech and between them he felt an unknown and timid preasure, darker than the swoon of sin, softer than sound or odor.”“Apparently, dancing for him and throwing herself at him weren’t enough. Apparently, she had to nearly commit murder to arouse him enough to attack her.”“In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by waiting, they miss out. Usually, what you wish for doesn’t fall in your lap; it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in the time and work it takes to get to it. This isn’t because the universe is cruel. It’s because the universe is smart. It has its own cat-string theory and knows we don’t appreciate things that fall into our laps.”

“She lowered her lashes until they almost cuddled her cheeks and slowly raised them again, like a theatre curtain. I was to get to know that trick. That was supposed to make me roll over on my back with all four paws in the air.”



“If you learn to really sit with loneliness and embrace it for the gift that it is…an opportunity to get to know YOU, to learn how strong you really are, to depend on no one but YOU for your happiness…you will realize that a little loneliness goes a LONG way in creating a richer, deeper, more vibrant and colorful YOU.”

“They always gives me bath salts,” complained Nobby. “And bath soap and bubble bath and herbal bath lumps and tons of bath stuff and I can’t think why, ‘cos it’s not as if I hardly ever has a bath. You’d think they’d take the hint, wouldn’t you?”

Good little money slaves know their place in my world. You will work hard, work over time, cut back on expenses, dip into savings, get two jobs, or any other menial task to earn extra tribute money for me. Your goal is to please me at all costs. My slaves enjoy that their earnings are contributing to my luxuries and they know they are sending their money exactly where it belongs.
Making sure that I get anything I desire is your goal. Tribute your extra earnings to a day at the spa, mall, or night out. They are my favorite things to do. I shop in Toronto, when I travel, and online too. I really love going out with my girl friends, or my boyfriend on my slave’s paycheque. Now, that is what I call a hard day at work.
